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Currently 1526 machines for sale
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Zadoon Equipment

Zadoon is a turn-key equipment solutions company specializing in the purchase, sale and export logistics of pre-owned affordable construction equipment. We assist contractors and dealers throughout the U.S. and Canada with their equipment needs, as well as serve our international clientele throughout Latin America, Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. We offer a full line of heavy machinery featuring major brands such as Caterpillar, Volvo, Komatsu, Hitachi and John Deere. Headquartered in Annapolis, Maryland, we continue to expand our global presence through on-the-ground personnel in key countries around the world. As our corporate vision communicates, Zadoon is about developing the world, and that means developing people. Understanding that all successful businesses are rooted in quality relationships developed over time, that is our goal each day and the very foundation of our mission: “Cultivating meaningful domestic and international relationships through the purchase and sale of quality used heavy equipment.” We believe achieving our corporate objectives can only be truly satisfying if we are pursuing them the right way; with honesty, integrity and a commitmet to the highest professional and ethical standards.

Address: 1298 Bay Dale Drive
Suite 338
Arnold MD 21012
United States
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"Zadoon Equipment"
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