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Create an account to:

  • Add items to your favorites
  • Receive alerts for new listings
  • Submit a want to buy ad
  • Get secure transaction services through PurchaseSafe™
  • Get financing through Ritchie Bros. Financial Services

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When you find the equipment you need, we offer convenient services to give you confidence in what you’re buying, and make your purchase go smoothly. From our secure transaction service, PurchaseSafe™, to purchase financing and shipping, we have you covered!

Secure your transaction through Ritchie Bros.

PurchaseSafe™ Secure Transaction Management service provides you with peace-of-mind when buying privately. When you use PurchaseSafe™, Ritchie Bros. handles the invoicing, lien searches, sales documentation, secure funds transfer, taxation, and title transfer.Learn More

Flexible financing, a wealth of buying options

Ritchie Bros. Financial Services is here to help you buy with convenient, flexible financing. And with fast approvals, you can be ready to buy within a day! Plus, PurchaseFlex™ Financing gives you the freedom and flexibility to buy what you want, without the need to get re-approved for different assets.Learn More

Shipping options at your fingertips

Save time and money getting your purchase back home – we've partnered with VeriTread to make it easy for you to find the best transporters at the lowest prices. Quickly get multiple competing bids from pre-qualified transport providers. Then negotiate, book, and dispatch online.Learn More

Equipment inspections so you can buy with confidence

Want to know more about the condition of the used equipment you’re considering purchasing through Ritchie List? Book a professional equipment inspection and know exactly what you’re getting with a comprehensive report. Learn More

PurchaseSafe™ – how our secure transaction service works for you

Ritchie Bros.’ PurchaseSafe™ Secure Transaction Management service provides both buyers and sellers with peace of mind at every step – no more risks or headaches that can accompany private sale. And the cost of this service can even be rolled into optional PurchaseFlex™ Financing.

What it does
  • Protects you against scams
  • Verifies seller is legitimate
  • Ensures item is lien-free
  • Expedites interstate & international transactions
  • Reduces paperwork
  • Saves time, hassle, and headaches
What you get
  • Professional lien search
  • Secure funds transfer & payout coordination
  • Taxation paid on your behalf
  • Invoicing and sales documentation from Ritchie Bros.
  • Title transfer
How it works
  1. Select “Secure your transaction through Ritchie Bros.” in the seller contact form
  2. Ritchie Bros. will contact you and the seller and facilitate the service
  3. When fund transfer is complete, Ritchie Bros. notifies you when equipment is ready to be released and provides all paperwork

Contact Us

Complete this form to discuss a wide range of options to sell your assets with confidence.