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Currently 1525 machines for sale
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Tonka International Corporation

Tonka International is a Dallas based Corporation with over 65 years of combined experience in buying and selling heavy used equipment, trucks and trailers worldwide. We are a licensed and bonded Dealer committed to excellence in providing the best service possible for our Vendors and Customers. Our staff is trained to set the highest standard of service, reliability, and industry information in order for our vendors and customers to be as informed and as up to date with pricing as possible. We are constantly challenging ourselves to excel in all areas of the business and we take tremendous pride in what we can accomplish as a team. Tonka serves a broad range of needs for vendors and customers in geographically diverse territories, not only encompassing used equipment, trucks and trailers, but forestry, mining, oil and gas and agricultural equipment as well. We believe that if you have a need or desire to sell something, then we can find a customer to buy it. With our aggressive and strategic marketing tools, coupled with our state of the art technology tailored for our industry’s specific needs, we at Tonka, will continue to strive to provide as up to date and current market pricing as possible in order to service the needs of our vendors and customers throughout the world.

Address: 11511 Forest Central Drive, #127 PO Box 45
Dallas TX 75243
United States
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"Tonka International Corporation"
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