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Currently 1525 machines for sale
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Post Leasing & Sales

Post Leasing & Sales, Inc. has been buying and selling used fuel tanks, trucks and trailers for over 55 years. We carry a large selection of pre-owned and used equipment, and also build and refurbish equipment, and our inventory is constantly changing. Our refurbishing process varies depending on what each truck needs, with quality being our highest priority. We can test the units and provide you with a full annual and full five year tank certification (P,I, V, K) along with the full annual DOT (FHWA) certification upon request. If you’re not ready to purchase a used tanker truck, our Rental Program offers a convenient, flexible and affordable way to get a used fuel truck or trailer on your job site when you need it most. Whether you have a truck go down, just obtained a contract job or want to test out a unit before purchasing, we can provide you with a unit for the job. Rent for one month to over a year, or purchase after renting for a small period of time. Give us a call and we’ll help you find a truck to meet your needs!

Address: 1701 Sutherland Ave
Knoxville TN 37921
United States
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