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Currently 1486 machines for sale
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Brookside Equipment Sales

Brookside Equipment is a family owned business in Phillipston, Massachusetts. We buy, sell and trade heavy construction equipment, trucks, attachments and more. Brookside Equipment Sales was founded by brothers Roger & Dan McHugh. We have over 40 years of experience in the equipment business. Our experienced staff makes sales, deliveries and financing procedures easy and fast. Delivery is available throughout the United States. Our business success is dependent upon hard work, long hours and a lot of traveling. We travel the United States buying the best possible equipment at the best possible prices. This allows us to pass the savings along to our valued customers - as it is our job to see that they get the best equipment for their dollar. Our reputation for fairness, good prices and quality equipment brings us many repeat customers as well as many recommendations. Give us the opportunity to show you why we are so well known for having a high sales volume without high-pressure sales. Stop in and see our capable staff and one of New England’s largest selections of used construction equipment and trucks.

Address: 60 State Road
Phillipston MA 01331
United States
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