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Currently 1609 machines for sale
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Machines Broker srl

ABOUT US We are a Broker specialized in the sale of Used trenchers, we are not an AD portal. We have over 30 years of experience and relationships in the world of construction. MISSION We provide effective and affordable solutions to work, not only used machinery. Our mission is to equip companies with Trenchers and No-Dig technologies to give a real productive advantage to our customers.

Address: via Montevideo, 4
91026 Mazara del Vallo
"Machines Broker srl" - 1 Assets
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Dealer Locations for Machines Broker srl

Other locations for RBAS Pro Customers

Medolla, Modena, Italy


LAS ROZAS, Andalucía, Spain


Rome, Rome, Italy


Fontana, California


Tomball, Texas


Marion, Ohio




Helsingfors, Uusimaa, Finland


Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada