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Our mission: helping you easily buy and sell privately, with total confidence

Ritchie List, another trusted solution from industry-leader Ritchie Bros., offers customers a robust platform for conducting private sales. We connect sellers and buyers of used heavy equipment, trucks and other assets and give them the tools, services, data and info to complete their sale safely, securely, and with total confidence.

How we do it

  • Give sellers the tools, technology & data to price equipment right, list, and reach the most buyers

  • Make it easy for buyers to search & find equipment and contact sellers

  • Offer extensive inventory photos & info plus available inspection services for buyer confidence

  • Give buyers added confidence with our secure transaction service, PurchaseSafe™, incl. financing

  • Provide convenient post-sale services incl. title transfer via PurchaseSafe™, shipping and more

Why we’re the trusted industry leader

As part of the Ritchie Bros. family of companies, Ritchie List is one of multiple solutions Ritchie Bros. offers to help thousands of customers around the globe buy and sell used heavy equipment, trucks and other assets each year.

In business for more than 60 years, Ritchie Bros. (NYSE and TSX: RBA) is trusted worldwide for making buying and selling easy, efficient, fair, and transparent. Ritchie Bros. also offers a variety of comprehensive services to help our customers succeed, including financing, refurbishing, appraisals, inspections and more, as well as industry-leading market and pricing data products.